715-723-1146. OPEN: Monday through Thursday 9am-7pm, Friday 9am-5:30pm & Saturday 9am-1pm. infoservice@mycfpl.org
Summer Garden Woes

Summer Garden Woes

Wednesday, April 23 at 3pm You’ve been waiting for weeks to sample that fresh garden fare only to find it’s been marred by a critter or spoiled by a disease. Come learn about some of the most common garden pests, diseases and disorders that you may find in your...
Container Gardening with Fruit

Container Gardening with Fruit

Wednesday, April 9 at 3pm It’s long been popular to grow vegetables and flowers in containers but did you know that you can grow fruit in containers too. We’ll discuss some of the best varieties of berries, melons and citrus that you can grow in a pot on your patio or...
Growing Food to Share

Growing Food to Share

Wednesday, March 26 at 3pm If you have ever thought about donating your extra garden produce to a food pantry or creating a donation garden, this talk is for you. We will discuss tips and guidance on how to safely handle fresh produce in the garden for donation....
Senior Resource Fair

Senior Resource Fair

Friday, March 21 from 9am – 3pm Join us for free information from local organizations, door prizes and more! Home Care Services, Medical Care Service and much more! ALL AGES WELCOME Bring any of the following donations for Village of Hope and get an extra door...

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